Thursday, January 8, 2009

Against the Brownies - December 28, 2008

What was scarier than Big Ben's head cracking off the turf? The uninspired play of the offense leading up to that injury, which will be largely overlooked by the sports media in the days ahead, I'm pretty sure. To be brutally honest (and I guess I am), they were not playing with the exuberance and chemistry that a playoff-bound team should coming down the homestretch against a vulnerable Browns organization. I'm pleased that the D we know and love returned to carry along the game; particular kudos to Tyrone Carter's INT and runback. Byron filled in seamlessly, I must say. It will sound weird to say, but perhaps Ben's concussion will provide the necessary fear and fuel to motivate the team through the bye week. Certainly there was a high degree of laziness exhibited with all the penalties; I believe the team did not play to its potential and needed this wakeup call. I'm going to take aim at the team with a cautionary quote from Xavier 'X' in Roll Bounce: "No, see I’m just trying to help you save face! Cuz I would hate to see you get spanked in front of all your fans!"

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